Cities Skylines VR – An Interesting Idea

My pitch for Cities Skylines in Virtual Reality!

You act as an unholy/ holy god creating and destroying crucial utilities as you see fit!

The area in which you can physically move is your build space in game:

Craft terrain with your hands! Terra-morprh like you’re in Minority Report or you’re Tony Stark! Create roads and your finger:

When you physically move your head and body, you move around the world- peep around that skyscraper to see the citizens waiting at the bus stop!

Raise the ground level to eye height and soak in the details:

Cities Skylines in VR would be the modern reinvention of the hobbyist creating models of towns but without the spacial requirements and no need to clean or maintain.

I think Cities Skylines would be a fantastic game for VR! What else would you like to see in virtual reality?

Cities Skylines VR – An Interesting Idea

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